Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Easy Video Player Goes Live In An Hour!

Just a quick update that there’s just 60 minutes left before Easy Video Player is launch.

Easy Video Player is set to be the biggest launch in video marketing to date, with over 10,000 people on the pre-launch list so far.

That means you must ACT QUICKLY in an hour’s time to secure your copy of this revolutionary new software.

Josh is only releasing a limited amount of licenses, in order to protect the quality of his technology!

You see alot of promotions in our industry but this genuinely is one of the most important products to come along for a while!

This really is going to change the way internet marketing operates, so make sure you are here in an hour ready to click that order button as soon as it goes live!

And if you’re still worried about the technical aspects then DON’T be. It’s as simple as 5-6 clicks of the mouse to transfer your video from your computer to the internet and start building your
lists and driving sales on auto pilot!

Go with the trend an get this product to change your business.

If you’ve EVER wanted to sell thousands of high-end products *without* the need for a long sales letter, then you NEED this.

It isnt often something comes along that changes the way you market, but this is one of those times.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Easy Video Player - Less Than 24hrs to go!

Just an update on the above.

There is something that all the top marketers are doing without fail that adds thousands to their bottom line instantly. Something you NEED to know about right now and start using..

If you want to create more money with less effort, you need to pay attention to this message IMMEDIATELY..

If you want to make serious money in 2010 and beyond you NEED to use this so you dont get left behind! It converts visitors into buyers faster than anything else!

Your competition are quietly using it to extract cash from your bank account by stealing your customers without you even knowing!

What am I talking about?

The software behind the start of what some people are calling Video Marketing 2.0!

Now, in the past, this kind of video marketing has been exclusive to the pro's.

There are huge costs to get it right, technical issues that stop most people in their tracks before they begin. Well, not anymore.

Easy Video Player is gong to change that and will be generating huge noise in the industry.

The techniques this software lets you use are so cutting edge that people are branding it the birth of Video Marketing 2.0. It makes using video easy for ANYONE and it literally changes the way we will all use video.

If you are a pro, this will save you more time and make you more money than anything else.

If you are a newbie, this does everything on autopilot so you can just reap the rewards and not worry about the technical stuff!

This is a true autopilot system that means you can use video like the pro's without the costs, nstantly.

Imagine setting up videos on all your sites within seconds BUT also being able to use the power of this software to literally create an unfair advantage over anyone else!

Finally everything you wished you could do with video is possible..

Grow your list massively by embedding opt in forms right inside your video.

Make huge cash quickly by embedding buy now buttons.

And that is just the beginning of what you can do!

I dont expect you to take my word for it, check out what everyone is saying about this product on the page below:

Easy Video Player

If you dont want to get left behind in 2010 and beyond, go check this out NOW..

This will only available to the general public for a limited time.

Get over there now and check out what is changing the way we will all use video!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Easy Video Player Launch 12th Jan 2010 12PM EST

BEFORE you do anything else. Mark down this date and time:

DATE: Tuesday Jan 12th 2010 TIME: 12PM EST

The above date is the date that video marketing will change forever.

Video Marketing (as we all know) is the strongest way to grab attention, build trust and make cash online.

Lots of people have been using it to make tons of money. But, video Marketing has been hard to get started with, and it left lots of people out of the loop,

And for those that know how to use it, they have been leaving $1,000's of dollars on the table because they didnt have access to the right technology!

Until now. The 12th of Jan 2010 marks the birth of Video Marketing 2.0

Finally, Video will be easy for everyone to use, and profit from.

Josh Bartlett is releasing a product which has caused a storm in the industry and caught even the biggest guru's attention (They are secretly using it). The Easy Video Player software is set
to change video marketing forever.

Right now, you can go and sign up as an early bird at the website..

If you go now, you gain exclusive access to free videos showing the inside workings of the video
marketing 2.0 revolution!

You will see before ANYONE else the new video marketing techniques and technology that this software provides, in action!

You gain exclusive first access to this technology on the 12th Jan, before it sells out. (Plus an
exclusive powerful bonus)

You will also be able to grab exclusive training videos exposing the best video marketing techniques available and how you can use them to make money.

It is ONLY for early bird subscribers who show their interest in this revolutionary technology.

Make sure you go and register now! (Before it closes)

Register Here